Career Services helps prepare Blue Jays for job, internship fairs, assists them with beginning their hunts for employment

Career Services helps prepare Blue Jays for job, internship fairs, assists them with beginning their hunts for employment

This is the time that college students from every institution are starting to look for jobs and internships. “It is experience that will provide great opportunities for the resume,” Assistant Director of Internships and Employer Engagement at Elizabethtown College Tina MacKenzie said. The way to get started on a search for a good job or internship is by attending a job and internship fair. However, it is not smart to go into the fair blind. There are a few things a college student should know before going to a job and internship fair.

The first thing a candidate should do is create a resume. It allows the candidate to list all skills and accomplishments in a professional way.

The Career Services Office at Etown is willing and able to help students prepare for their future. Career Services also recommends candidates create a LinkedIn profile as another way to get the candidate’s name out. “Creating an elevator speech is key to the process,” MacKenzie said. An elevator speech is how one introduces themselves to a person; it is key in making a good first impression. When preparing the elevator speech, be sure to know it and practice it until it is memorized. The services available will help with resume building, LinkedIn accounts and creating a respectable elevator speech.

Before going to a fair, do some research. The sponsor site will show all the different employers who are attending the fair and the majors they are looking for. The site will also have a link to the employer’s website, which helps those interested to learn about the employer and makes it easier to hold a conversation with the representative.

Before leaving for the fair, know what to wear. Going to the fair is the first impression you’ll make on the employer. Men should wear a suit and tie, while women have the option of wearing a blouse and skirt or dress pants. It’s important to stay away from things like flashy jewelry that may make a candidate stand out too much.

After going over the preparation for the fair, it’s time to check in and make an impression. Don’t be late. Try to arrive early and get familiar with the fair. Do not feel overwhelmed with the number of employers. “Keep an open mind of who to see even if it is away from your major,” MacKenzie said. When entering, there is a guide book with a map of where each table is located. “Make a plan of who you want to speak with first,” she said.

Try to bring only items you need, including a portfolio with your resumes, business cards and a smile. Always have a hand free to greet new people with a firm hand shake, eye contact and good body language. When talking with recruiters, it is key for the employer to know you did your research. Ask the recruiter questions and be knowledgeable and also be ready to ask questions about the employer and their intentions. The employer will often give a business card or a way to contact them.

After the fair, gather all the information, think about the opportunities and decide the best fit. Follow up with the recruiter as soon as possible to keep the information fresh. When contacting, be sure to reference a part of the conversation from the fair. It is also a good idea to invite the recruiter to connect with you through LinkedIn. If you are still interested, apply for the position. Applying quickly will help the process.

Knowing the process will help make going to a job and internship fair much easier. Having an internship will help build your resume for future jobs and open up new opportunities.

For more information on job and internship fairs, go to the Career Services office in the upstairs of the Brossman Commons. The staff is always willing to help students at Etown with their future and how to prepare. Career Services have drop-in hours every Tuesday and Thursday from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. and also can set up an appointment separately if need be. For more information, go to the Job Fair Success website

Career Services also has events, including mock interviews on March 31 in the Career Services suite. There will be more tips on how to prepare for the job and internship search on Tuesday, Feb. 24 in Thompson 105.