Amenities, on-campus experience available to students living on, off campus, both living situations offer advantages

Many college graduates say that living on campus for a few years makes a college career complete. For first-years, living in a dorm is a great way to meet new people and make friends. However, many are skeptical about dorm life, whether or not they’ll get along with their roommate or how spacious the rooms will be. Nevertheless, living in the dorms, apartments or quads on campus definitely has something to offer the students.

Since Elizabethtown College is a small school, classes, food and entertainment are all relatively close. This convenience makes it easy for students to network or get late-night quesadillas at the Jay’s Nest. The proximity of the academic buildings makes for a relatively easy walk to class for those 8 a.m.s, allowing students the opportunity to sleep in as much as possible. Students could also wake up early to get food before class. Scarfing breakfast or lunch before class is always better than going hungry. Living on campus provides food at all times. For college students like us, this helps a lot. It is so readily available; it can be dangerous at times. So, first-years, watch out.

When hungry Jays aren’t eating, we are hitting the books. The library is right around the corner when exiting the dorms, leaving no excuse to not get your work done. Imagine living off campus and not having the easy accessibility to these helpful resources as us “on-campus Jays.”

Having a short walk to class and professors’ offices is crucial, especially during these cold months that leave the ground covered with a blanket of snow and an invisible slippery layer of ice. Seeing all your fellow Jays and talking about the happenings at Etown while on your walk to class is half the fun. Imagine driving to class passing a fellow Jay in a car and sending out a loud, lonesome beep to say “Hello.” Just isn’t the same.

First-year Morgan Taylor enjoys dorm life and what it has to offer. “There is always someone around and people to talk to. The food is close, and a huge perk is waking up five minutes before class and still getting there on time.” Taylor has found the advantages of living on campus and has enjoyed her time so far in Founders Residence Hall.

Activities such as sporting events, intramurals, guest speakers and meeting up with friends at the Blue Bean Café are available to all students. Being on campus allows students to access these things that the College offers without any hassle. It helps with intramurals to be able to walk to Thompson Gymnasium for the late basketball games. Walking to such activities provides safety during the dreaded icier months. Being on campus makes it easier and safer to get around during the unpredictable Pennsylvania weather.

While living on campus provides a number of perks, some students say it just doesn’t have the “at-home feeling.” Putting tape on the back of pictures and hanging them on the walls to make it feel like your at-home friends are at school with you just isn’t the same as being home. Living off campus gives students the freedom to feel like they’ve grown independent and have their own home. Living with a few of your friends, or alone, provides you with your own space and individual freedoms.

Students lack personal space when living in dorms like having their own bathroom. A private, personal bathroom is crucial for many students. Some say it’s comforting having your own space to do your business and brush your teeth without anyone interrupting. Having a kitchen to make meals and wash your own dishes is another thing that people in dorms are missing out on.

Laundry is another problem area as it can be a mess in the dorms and apartments. Having to wait for other peoples’ laundry to do your own is a pain. Knowing people are waiting for you to finish is also uncomfortable and annoying. Having your own space seems like a miracle in the eyes of someone that lives in a dorm.

Living on campus provides more than enough food, activities, events and resources to fit students’ needs. The College provides a lot for their students whether they live on campus or not, and the debate between living on and off campus is ongoing. No matter which way you look at it, there will be a variety of benefits and disadvantages of living on campus.