3/24 Horoscopes: Messages for this week

3/24 Horoscopes: Messages for this week

Aquarius: Any new opportunities coming your way may help on your journey of accomplishing big goals. Pay special attention to your dreams during this time as they may also point you in the right direction.

Pisces: For Pisces placements, this is a time of enjoyment and creating lasting relationships with friends. Something that you’ve been wishing for may also come sooner than expected. Take this time to really celebrate the small and large wins happening in your life right now.

Aries: You may be under a lot of stress at the moment, but that doesn’t mean put your mental, physical and emotional health on hold. The saying “you can’t pour from an empty glass” will be essential for Aries placements to remember this week.

Taurus: Good news for Taurus placements. It looks like you are reaching the light at the end of a long and stressful tunnel. Make your way into the sunshine and use the experiences and obstacles you’ve overcome as tools for the road ahead.

Gemini: With any disagreements you may be facing with those close to you, whether personally or professionally, keep in mind your common goals. Getting to know the various communication styles of the people around you will lead the way to more empathy and effective conflict resolution.

Cancer: All of your effort and hard work in your endeavors will soon be rewarded as many of the seeds you’ve planted will come to fruition. Keep honing your skills to keep the ball rolling all through the spring season.

Leo: Investing in yourself by intentionally making yourself more knowledgeable about different topics or sharpening your skills will help fight some self-doubt you may have been feeling lately. By focusing on cultivating your power, confidence in yourself will also rise.

Virgo: This week, it will be important for Virgos to act with decisiveness and confidence. Really examine your expectations and don’t be afraid of the journey that commitment to various endeavors may provide.

Libra: Embrace differing perspectives and points of view, especially when it comes to budding projects. It is important to stay grounded in reality, even when you are extremely passionate about something, as your level headed thinking will see the plan through.

Scorpio: You may be feeling isolated from parts of your life right now, but this shift in priority may mean that what is up ahead is more suited to your philosophies, values and goals. It’s important to grieve what you used to know, then to move on with things that serve you in a more meaningful way.

Sagittarius: Have you been taking care of others more than you’ve been taking care of yourself? It’s time to change that this week. Listen to your own needs because as they say, “you can’t take care of anyone else if you don’t take care of yourself first.”

Capricorn: It’s important to go with your gut on opportunities that may arise soon. Whether it’s time to take a step back or go ahead with a risky pursuit, make sure you are making decisions with a clear head and open mind.