• Cheers to 3 years: Farewell from Faith Morrow, Online Editor

    Cheers to 3 years: Farewell from Faith Morrow, Online Editor

    Managing the Etownian’s website and social media for the past three years as the online editor has been my passion project. Entering college, I knew I wanted to get involved in student journalism, but I definitely didn’t anticipate becoming so familiar with the digital and promotional side of things. I’m so glad I did. I’ve

  • Etown celebrates campus community’s achievements with 46th annual Student Awards Ceremony

    Etown celebrates campus community’s achievements with 46th annual Student Awards Ceremony

    On April 17, Etown held the 46th annual Student Awards Ceremony. During this celebration of campus community achievement, various offices commend students, faculty and staff for their accomplishments during the previous academic year. Some of the offices present are the Office of Housing & Residence Life, the Center for Civic and Community Engagement (CCCE), the

  • Features Editor Farewell: Samhar Almomani

    Features Editor Farewell: Samhar Almomani

    It feels like it was only yesterday when I sent my first article to the Etownian, in the fall semester of my freshman year. Since then, everything else has changed, but writing for the Etownian has remained the constant in my college career that reminded me that college is more than attending classes and doing

  • Q & A with Dr. Tara Moore

    Q & A with Dr. Tara Moore

    As someone who enjoyed studying abroad during her time in college, Tara Moore is bringing her own experiences to the students at Elizabethtown College. Dr. Moore, the Director of the English Professional Writing and First Year Writing Program at the College, is taking students on a fifteen day-long  trip over the summer of 2024 to

  • Activity Review: Goat yoga

    Activity Review: Goat yoga

    Elizabethtown College values and prioritizes physical and mental health for all its students, providing upbeat exercise classes at the Bowers Center, access to counseling and a source of good coffee at our beloved Blue Bean. Yoga is well known for allowing meditation and relaxation of the mind, body and soul. Despite this, there is one

  • Etownian Farewell: Editor-in-Chief Chandler McGuire

    Etownian Farewell: Editor-in-Chief Chandler McGuire

    In August of 2021, my second year at Elizabethtown College, I was broke and desperate for a job. My job at home paid only a quarter of minimum wage, and that was not going to cut it with my coffee addiction. I had a two-week stint in Dining Services where I worked at The Grill,