Letters to the editor should be between 250 to 500 words and should respond directly to content previously published in the Etownian. Op-eds should be between 500 to 700 words. Writers must be members of the Elizabethtown College community (e.g., students, faculty, staff and alumni), Elizabethtown or Lancaster County.
Editorials are submitted by members of the Etownian‘s Editorial Board and should be between 500 to 700 words.
We reserve the right to edit any submission to be consistent with AP Style.
If we opt to publish your submission, we will contact you directly about the expected publication date. Submissions may be published anonymously if the Editorial Board agrees with the writer that anonymity would be beneficial to the writer.
No offensive, extremist or inflammatory language will be published in the Etownian, nor will we publish content that is considered slander, libel or heresy to a person or public entity. We reserve the right to reject content based on such submissions or remove any content that falls under these categories.