Author's Posts

  • Shelly explains difficulties of starting a small business0

    Andrew Shelly of Andrew Douglas Jewelers in Elizabethtown came to talk about his store and a bit about his experience with business as part of the M&M Mars Lecture series. Growing up, his father was a business owner, so business was always a part of the conversations at the dinner table. His father owned a

  • Psychology professor explores sensation, perception in study0

    Elizabethtown College professor of psychology Dr. Catherine Lemley is conducting research on synesthesia, a neurological condition. “Synesthesia occurs when the stimulation of one sensory modality reliably causes an involuntary and simultaneous perception in another modality,” Lemley said. “For instance, I know a synesthete that always tastes strawberries when she hears the word ‘bend.’” “Synesthesia is