Author's Posts

  • Students of Etown: Hannah Lewiski

    Students of Etown: Hannah Lewiski0

    This week, meet junior marketing major Hannah Lewiski from Pottstown Pa. Lewiski is currently working as a social media marketing intern for Mobile Marketing. When deciding what college she wanted to go to, it was the campus’ size, friendly atmosphere and distance from her hometown that caught Lewiski’s attention.  “I first really liked the campus,

  • Debate of the Week: Apple cinnamon or pumpkin spice

    Debate of the Week: Apple cinnamon or pumpkin spice0

    There’s no doubt that both apple cinnamon and pumpkin spice flavors are delicious, but which is the better fall flavoring? Pumpkin spice may be beloved and iconic, but apple cinnamon is classic and crisp. Pumpkin pies and apple pies are both delicious fall treats, but which will you take at the dessert table?  When fall

  • Club Feature: Photography Club

    Club Feature: Photography Club0

    Whether you’re an experienced photographer or are just starting out, you should consider joining Elizabethtown College’s Photography Club! The Photography Club meets bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. in Steinman Center 211 and welcomes anyone to show up to a meeting if they are interested in joining. As a smaller club, the members are very

  • Welcome to the Jungle: Nox the kitten

    Welcome to the Jungle: Nox the kitten0

    Nox is a 5-month-old black cat who is dedicated to his role as junior Lux Hileman’s emotional support animal (ESA). Nox was originally one of three kittens rescued by Hileman’s friend and fellow Elizabethtown College student, junior Cassidy Rohrman and her family. After taking in the kittens off the street, the Rohrmans fostered Nox and