Author's Posts

  • Class of ‘24 laments effects of Covid-19 on their college careers

    Class of ‘24 laments effects of Covid-19 on their college careers0

    I remember how hard it was to be a high school senior in 2020, having my senior trip canceled and my graduation be over Zoom, all during a global pandemic. Seniors who graduated in 2020 had to then face a whole new challenge: college during Covid. Instead of attending events and making friends, new students

  • Job Spotlight: Etownian Copy Editor, Mahli Rupp

    Job Spotlight: Etownian Copy Editor, Mahli Rupp0

    Meet the Etownian’s newest Copy Editor, Mahli Rupp! Rupp is a fourth-year professional writing major with minors in creative writing and Japanese. Editor-In-Chief Chandler McGuire initially reached out to Rupp last semester about the open position to see if she would be interested in joining the Etownian family. She and McGuire sat down, hammered out

  • Students of Etown: Abigail Marks

    Students of Etown: Abigail Marks0

    Third-year Psychology major Abigail Rose Marks strongly connects with Elizabethtown College’s motto of “Educate for Service” and hopes to implement that motto into her future career. Originally from Bare, Md., Marks has a strong connection with her family and her faith, which drives her desire to connect with and help others.  Marks looked at several

  • Debate of the Week: Is it a threk or a trident?

    Debate of the Week: Is it a threk or a trident?0

    You have your typical fork, spoon, knife, and even the lovable addition of the spork but what would you call this three-pronged fork? A typical fork has four prongs, which has a history dating back to the 4th century in the Byzantine Empire. In the time of its debut, many considered forks to be a