Author's Posts

  • Etownian Farewell: Campus Life Editor Charlie Carberry

    Etownian Farewell: Campus Life Editor Charlie Carberry0

    I didn’t start off my college career as a professional writing major, so I certainly didn’t expect myself to be interested in Elizabethtown College’s newspaper. My goal was to not join any clubs, sports, ensembles or extracurriculars so I could focus on my studies in Neuropsychology. Well, spoiler alert, I realized I hated it about

  • Welcome to the Jungle: Scarlett the sweet rescue Staffy

    Welcome to the Jungle: Scarlett the sweet rescue Staffy0

    Fourth-year professional writing major Kyle McLaughlin’s dog Scarlett is a shy yet sweet five-year-old Staffordshire Bull Terrier who loves her family almost as much as she loves her shoe collection.  Scarlett came into McLaughlin’s family two years ago around the Christmas season. The family found her on the side of the road in a quarry

  • Learn about DaniRae Renno’s passion for her new position

    Learn about DaniRae Renno’s passion for her new position0

    At the start of this semester, there were a few positions that became available at the Etownian due to members completing their time here at Elizabethtown College. Third-year journalism and professional writing double major DaniRae Renno took up the mantle of being the Etownian’s managing editor, and is dedicated to continuing to work with her

  • Debate of the Week: .GIF or .GIF

    Debate of the Week: .GIF or .GIF0

    This week, I asked around campus to see which pronunciation is correct; .GIF or .GIF? The .GIF is an image format that was developed by computer scientist Steve Wilhite and released on June 15, 1987. The pronunciation has been debated by internet users since the early 90’s and is still relevant nearly 30 years later.